2019 Programme
Event #6
Alessandro Barbero
Popular revolts in Medieval Europe.
The Jacquerie of French peasants (1358)
It was the time of the Hundred Years War. France was invaded byEngland, and the French nobles – the proudest of all- kept on being defeated. In 1356, during the Poitiers battle, John II of France, called John the Good, was made prisoner. After less than two years, all of a sudden, the peasants of the Île-de-France (the so called Jacques) began to assault the castles, to kill the masters and to rape their wives screaming that there was no need to support nobles since they were not able to defend the Country.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Alessandro Barbero, historian and writer, is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Eastern Piedmont and Vercelli. He contributes to the programmes “Passato e presente” and “a.C.d.C.” aired on Rai Storia. Since 2023 he has been the star of the programme “In viaggio con Barbero”, on LA7. In the same year he started for Chora Media “Chiedilo a Barbero”, a podcast in which he answers questions on history sent in by listeners. Among his publications: “Le parole del papa” (2016), “Caporetto” (2017), “Dante” (2020), 2All' arme! All'arme. I priori fanno carne” (2023), published by Laterza; “Gli occhi di Venezia” (2011) and “Le Ateniesi” (2015), published by Mondadori; “Costantino il vincitore” (Salerno, 2016); “Il divano di Istanbul” (2011), “Alabama” (2021), “Poeta al comando” (2022) and “Brick for stone” (2023), published by Sellerio.
Event #6
Alessandro Barbero
Popular revolts in Medieval Europe.
The Jacquerie of French peasants (1358)

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Dario Bressanini, Lucilla Titta
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Event #31Approfonditamente
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