2019 Programme
Event #31
Marco Ortenzi, Marco Parolini
The real truth about plastic and bioplastic (maybe)
A few decades ago, the future was represented by plastic – an innovative, extremely versatile and economical combination of materials. Plastic has quickly replaced traditional materials in a myriad of applications and has contributed decisively to creating new markets and to progress in general, revolutionizing the way we live and consume. Today we are all concerned about the environmental problems associated with its production, use and disposal: are we exaggerating or is the worst yet to come? And can the much-publicized bioplastics be an effective solution for the future of all of us?
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Marco Ortenzi, PhD in Industrial Chemistry, specializes in the synthesis and development of new polymer-based materials. He has been working in various capacities for more than fifteen years with the Chemistry Department of the University of Milan, where he carries out research activities, and with companies to study innovative materials and processes that can be applied in different industrial sectors.
Marco Parolini, PhD in Animal Biology, currently holds the position of researcher in Ecology at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policies of the University of Milan. His research activity is mainly developed in the field of ecotoxicology, and deals with the study, distribution and hazard of emerging contaminants in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Event #6
Alessandro Barbero
Popular revolts in Medieval Europe.
The Jacquerie of French peasants (1358)

Event #16Approfonditamente
Dario Bressanini, Lucilla Titta
Yesterday’s and tomorrow's diets. How to survive fake news?

Event #21
Paolo Colombo, Michele Tranquillini
Ernst Henry Shackleton. The hero who defeated the Arctic

Event #25
Roberto Celada Ballanti
The destiny of a community and many religions: is there a dialogue for the future of humanity?

Event #31Approfonditamente
Marco Ortenzi, Marco Parolini
The real truth about plastic and bioplastic (maybe)

Event #62didatticaMente
Alberto Pellai, Barbara Tamborini
The emotive education of the hyper-connected generation