2019 Programme
Event #46
Elisa Vettori, Federico Zappini
The time capsule
Walk-workshop ages 6-11 60 minutes
25 participants
A small photographic marathon that will be transformed in a kind of treasure hunting into Sarzana city centre’s streets, where children will look for and will gather the materials needed to construct a special time capsule. Are you ready to make a journey into future?
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Elisa Vettori and Federico Zappini run the Due Punti bookshop of Trento. Inside the bookshop, over the 3.000 volumes, take place many projects, such as La cameretta oscura, a creative and itinerary photographic laboratory for children. The tools used to exacerbate kids’ attention towards images are visual composition, photography, handmade printing and darkroom, used as a vehicle to develop their skills and critical eye.
Event #6
Alessandro Barbero
Popular revolts in Medieval Europe.
The Jacquerie of French peasants (1358)

Event #16Approfonditamente
Dario Bressanini, Lucilla Titta
Yesterday’s and tomorrow's diets. How to survive fake news?

Event #21
Paolo Colombo, Michele Tranquillini
Ernst Henry Shackleton. The hero who defeated the Arctic

Event #25
Roberto Celada Ballanti
The destiny of a community and many religions: is there a dialogue for the future of humanity?

Event #31Approfonditamente
Marco Ortenzi, Marco Parolini
The real truth about plastic and bioplastic (maybe)

Event #62didatticaMente
Alberto Pellai, Barbara Tamborini
The emotive education of the hyper-connected generation