the first European festival on creativity

Previous editions


Programme of the 11th edition

Event #1

Mario Calabresi

Rediscovering Reason in Order to Avoid a Shipwreck

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Event #2

Francesco M. Cataluccio

The Epidemic of Immaturity: from Peter Pan to Harry Potter

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Event #4

Philippe Petit

Creativity: the Perfect Crime

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Event #9

Peter Cameron, Marco Missiroli

One Day this Creativity Will Come In Handy

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Event #12

Giorgio Diritti

The Discovery of the Birth of a Film

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Event #18

Oscar Farinetti

Lots Can Still Be Done, This Is Why the Future Is Marvellous

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Event #21

Christian Raimo, Michele Serra

All Unhappy Families Are Like One Another

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Event #28

Luigi Zoja

Generational Crisis, Male Crisis, Italian Crisis

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Event #32

Alfio Maggiolini

From Being Kids “Against” to Being Responsible Ones

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Event #35

Elena Riva

The Myth of Perfection in Contemporary Femininity

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