the first European festival on creativity

Previous editions


«È meglio assumere un sottosegretario che una responsabilità», diceva con il consueto humour un grande editore come Leo Longanesi. Frase più che mai attuale, se è vero che sottrarsi alle proprie responsabilità e dare la colpa a qualcun altro sembra essere uno dei vizi più diffusi, perlomeno in Italia. Ma è anche vero che in quest’epoca di grandi innovazioni scientifiche e tecnologiche, e di complessi mutamenti sociali, è il concetto stesso di “responsabilità” ad avere la necessità di essere ridefinito: i valori etici su cui si basava la società del Novecento sono rimasti sempre gli stessi o devono essere riconsiderati e riadattati a questo nuovo mondo globale? A quali nuove responsabilità vengono chiamati quegli scienziati, artisti, intellettuali che con i loro studi e le loro scoperte influenzano profondamente la variegata società di oggi, in continua mutazione? E quale rapporto c’è tra creatività e responsabilità? È per tentare di dare una risposta a questi importanti interrogativi che quest’anno abbiamo scelto la “responsabilità” come filo conduttore del Festival della Mente, dedicato all'indagine delle idee e dei processi creativi.

Programme of the 12th edition

Apertura festival

Alessio Cavarra Sindaco del Comune di Sarzana
Matteo Melley Presidente della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio della Spezia
Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet Direzione scientifica del Festival della Mente
Benedetta Marietti Direzione artistica del Festival della Mente

Event #1

Luciano Canfora

Augustus: the political ethics of a republican monarch

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Event #2

Jim Al-Khalili

The secret ingredient of life

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Event #4

Anna Bonaiuto

Anna Bonaiuto reads Elena Ferrante

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Event #6

Alessandro Barbero

The historian's responsibility. Gaetano Salvemini: from Socialist interventionism to anti-Fascism

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Event #7

Andrea Moro

Beyond the boundaries of Babel

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Event #8Approfonditamente

Marco Rossi-Doria, Giulia Tosoni

Kids and school: what, how and where are they learning

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Event #9

Massimo Ammaniti

How the sense of Us is born: from We-go to Ego

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Event #13Approfonditamente

Adolfo Ceretti, Simonetta Agnello Hornby, Alfredo Verde

Gender-based violence: Perpetrators, victims and models of intervention.

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Event #15

Edoardo Albinati

In praise of the best student in class

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Event #17

Aldo Colonetti, Italo Rota

The space we live in is nothing but an extension of our minds

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Event #18

Carlo Toffalori

Mathematics, algorithms and freedom

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Event #18 BIS

Carlo Toffalori

Mathematics, algorithms and freedom

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Event #19

Matteo Nucci

Oedipus’ eyes and Plato’s complex

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Event #19 BIS

Matteo Nucci

Oedipus’ eyes and Plato’s complex

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Event #22

Alessandro Barbero

The historian’s responsibility. Marc Bloch: from the Sorbonne to the Gestapo prisons

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Event #24

Marco Martella

Returning to the garden

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Event #25Approfonditamente

Marco Belpoliti, Gianfranco Marrone, Anna Stefi

Laziness, fatigue, and our constant running

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Event #26

Eugenio Borgna, Simonetta Fiori

Knowing ourselves and knowing others: a different way of being responsible

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Event #27

Tito Baldini

 “Borderline” kids meet the adult world

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Event #29

Luca Mastrantonio

Cruciverba volant (unbuckle your seatbelts)

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Event #31

Lina Bolzoni

Theatres of memory between enchantment and utopia

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Event #35

James R. Flynn, Armando Massarenti

Without an alibi: a voyage across life’s greatest questions

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Event #36

Géza Hosszu-Legocky

Music in voyage, or a voyage into music

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Event #38

Alessandro Barbero

The historian’s responsibility. Ernst Kantorowicz: from the Freikorps to McCarthyism

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Event #39Children / Kids

Massimiliano Tappari

Finding wonder close to home

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Event #40Children / Kids

Antonio Moresco

The art of storytelling

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Event #41Children / Kids

Sergio Noberini

Discovering Luzzati’s universe

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Event #42Children / Kids

Elisa Pezzolla

Emanuele Luzzati in a workshop

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Event #43Children / Kids

Francesca Archinto

The Babaparty

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Event #44Children / Kids

FabLab Imola

Let’s learn how to build our own toys

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Event #45Children / Kids

Massimiliano Tappari


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Event #46Children / Kids

Alessandro Sanna

How to draw animals with a happy hand

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Event #47Children / Kids

Sergio Ruzzier

Do you cheep English?

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Event #48Children / Kids

Fausto Gilberti

Paint like the masters

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Event #49Children / Kids

Centro DreamsLab

Try a 3D experience in history and science

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Event #51Children / Kids

Annagaia Marchioro, Giovanna Zoboli

Voyage into the centre of the book

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Event #52Children / Kids



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Event #53Children / Kids

Chiara Carminati


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Event #54Children / Kids

Lele Lomazzi

Let’s become songwriters

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Event #55Children / Kids

FabLab Imola

The 3D printer: an idea becomes an object

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Event #56

Davide Sapienza

On a walk with a writer-traveller

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Event #57Children / Kids

Sante Bandirali e Lorenza Pozzi di uovonero

Read like you’ve never read before

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Event #58Children / Kids

Margherita Loy

Let’s make the Pop Art of the 2000s

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Event #59Children / Kids

Mara Cerri

What’s under the bed?

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Event #60Children / Kids

Davide Sapienza

Adventure into Everywhere

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X Scarica l'intervento


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