2021 Programme
Event #21
Paolo Colombo, Michele Tranquillini
Alexander von Humboldt: origin of ecology
Paolo Colombo, Italian historian and teacher, tells the story, and Michele Tranquillini, illustrator, draws the story of Humboldt, a giant thinker who asked fundamental questions about the future of mankind two centuries early. Also, he gave answers that men did not want and still do not want to hear.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Paolo Colombo is ordinary Professor of History of Political Institutions at the Faculty of political and social sciences at the Catholic University of Milan, where he also lectures Contemporary History. Since many years he organizes in Milan the encounters names Storia&narrazione. He collaborates with Rai Storia and Rai3. He is author of essays and monographies. He published many young-adult novels published by Piemme. He wrote hthe book History Telling. Esperimenti di storia narrata (Vita e Pensiero, 2020).