the first European festival on creativity

2021 Programme

Event #1

Luca Serianni

Dante and the creation of literary Italian language

Is it true that the Italian language was born with Dante? In fact, various vernacular of the peninsula had already a written representation. And some literary sectors had been developed. But with Dante's Commedia everything changes. A lectio magistralis in the name of the Supreme Poet – 700 years after his death.

Luca Serianni is Professor of History of the Italian Language at Rome’s University ‘La Sapienza’. He is a member of the Accademia dei Lincei and the Accademia della Crusca. He holds an honorary PhD from the University of Valladolid, Spain. He is the editor of two journals, Studi linguistici italiani and Studi di lessicografia italiana. In 1988 he published has written a widely acclaimed Grammar of the Italian Language that obtained many subsequent editions, he studies a variety of aspects of the Italian language, not only literary, since its origins to the present. Together with M. Trifone he is editing the new edition of the Devoto-Oli Italian vocabulary. His latest books are: Prima lezione di grammatica (Laterza, 2006); Italiani scritti (Il Mulino, 2007); La lingua poetica italiana. Grammatica e testi (Carocci, 2009); Scritti sui banchi. L’italiano a scuola tra alunni e insegnanti, written with G. Benedetti (Carocci, 2009).

All theevents2021


Event #1

Luca Serianni

Dante and the creation of literary Italian language

Event #3

Matteo Nucci

Origin of wisdom: the enigma

Event #5

Alessandro Barbero

Origins of civil wars. The English Civil War

Event #6

Tommaso Ghidini

From Homo sapiens to Homo caelestis: the beginning of a new era

Event #8

Francesco Bianconi, Emanuele Coccia

Do not worry, you’re home

Event #9

Irene Vallejo, Valeria Della Valle

The birth of book in the ancient world

Event #11

Malika Ayane, Matteo Nucci

I start again from here

Event #12

Davide Calgaro

Fresh twenties

Event #13

Alessandro Barbero

Origins of civil wars. The American civil war

Event #15

Otegha Uwagba, Alessandra Carati

Dreaming of a new cohexistance

Event #16

Antonello Provenzale, Sara Segantin

Climate change: origins, calamities, hopes

Event #17

Miguel Benasayag

Origins and future of the livings

Event #19

Paolo Nori

Origins of Russian literature

Event #20

Matteo Nucci

Origins of philosophy: dialectic

Event #21

Paolo Colombo, Michele Tranquillini

Alexander von Humboldt: origin of ecology

Event #22

Alessandro Barbero

Origins of civil wars. The French civil war

Event #26Children / Kids


What was I before myself?

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