the first European festival on creativity

2016 Programme

Event #13

Lamberto Maffei

The space of rebellion

Among the many spaces that may be explored, there is also a space for rebellion, a noble act of reason opposing man’s exploitation of others. Rebellion is not intended as the kind spurred by anger, but rather that of the thinking mind whose cultural evolution has taught it to consider others as it does itself, with the same needs and rights. Indeed, reason does not strive for revolution, but for respect of fundamental rights – equal education, healthcare and justice for all – that seem to go unheeded in solemn official declarations. A revolt of reason is hoped for which through knowledge and thus education may govern our animal instincts, which the globalized, technological modern world so skillfully employs. Social divisions are an offense to man’s intelligence and dignity. We have a very large brain: why not use it?

Lamberto Maffei
Lamberto Maffei

is professor emeritus of Neurobiology at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. The former director of the Neuroscience Institute at CNR, he was president of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei from 2009 to 2015. He is currently its vice-president. He is also a member of the European Academy of Sciences and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His books on popular science include: La visione: dalla neurofisiologia alla psicologia (with L. Mecacci, Mondadori, 1979), Arte e cervello (with A. Fiorentini, Zanichelli, 1998, 2008), Il mondo del cervello (Laterza, 1998). The publishing house Il Mulino has released his books La libertà di essere diversi (2011), Elogio della lentezza (2014), Elogio della ribellione (2016).

All theevents2016


Event #1

Salvatore Veca

An idea of public space

Event #2

Jonathan Safran Foer, Ranieri Polese

That place called “home”

Event #3

Matteo Nucci, Valentina Carnelutti

The space of words: Helen and Odysseus

Event #5

Guido Tonelli

The birth of space (and time)

Event #5 BIS

Guido Tonelli

The birth of space (and time)

Event #6

Alessandro Barbero

The space of war. The First Italian War of Independence

Event #7

Alberto Mantovani

Immunity and the brain: a dialogue between two chief systems. From memory to vaccines.

Event #9

Valerio Magrelli, Andrea Gentile

Tv series: a newly emerged continent

Event #10

Ramak Fazel, Giorgio Vasta, Michele Lupi

Across the American deserts: a voyage through 20th century collective imagination

Event #11

Dominique Cardon

What do algorithms think of?

Event #12

Riccardo Staglianò

That place is gone

Event #13

Lamberto Maffei

The space of rebellion

Event #14

Claudio Bartocci, Chiara Valerio

Other maps, other worlds. Representations of space

Event #16

Giovanni Fabrizio Bignami

From the stars to Life: one, one hundred, one thousand Earths

Event #17

Cino Zucchi, Aldo Colonetti

Architectural space in the past, the present, the future

Event #18

Chiara Saraceno

Families confined and without borders

Event #19

Massimiano Bucchi

The best ideas of our lives. Make room for innovation (the real kind)

Event #20

Matteo Nucci, Valentina Carnelutti

The space of absence: Patroclus and Andromache

Event #21

Giuseppe Cederna

On the other side of the sea

Event #23

Alessandro Barbero

The space of war. The second Italian War of Independence

Event #24

Marco Balzano, Christian Raimo

School is an idea of the world

Event #26

Piergiorgio Odifreddi

Let’s make space for stupidity

Event #27

Attilio Brilli

Voyages through spaces real and imagined

Event #28

Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna

Is there space for us all? The future of European migrations

Event #29

Anna Ottani Cavina

When painters left their studios to paint en plein air

Event #30

Bruno Arpaia, Alessandro Zaccuri

The memory of space. The rubble of climate and rubbish in our homes

Event #31Approfonditamente

Alessandro Dal Lago, Serena Giordano, Ex Voto

Graffiti, tags and murals: when art extends to walls

Event #32

Marco Belpoliti

The poetry of space. Words and drawings on that place we call home

Event #34

Giacomo Rizzolatti, Antonio Gnoli

Mirror neurons: anatomy of a revolutionary discovery

Event #35

Gabriella Caramore

The boundaries of the soul and of the world

Event #36

Valentina Carnelutti, Matteo Nucci

The space of dreams: Penelope e Achilles

Event #37

Marco Martinelli

The joy of the chorus

Event #38

Paolo Rumiz, Alessandro Scillitani

The voice of the road. Words, sounds and images gathered along via Appia

Event #39

Alessandro Barbero

The space of war. The Third Italian War of Independence

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