2016 Programme
Event #2
Jonathan Safran Foer, Ranieri Polese
That place called “home”
What can we call “home” today? In a globalized world that has reduced boundaries and distances, where is the place in which we recognize our roots, where we feel we belong? A question that is difficult to answer, also due to the fact that our fundamental relationships – family, with its roles which until recently were so strongly defined (father, mother, children) – no longer hold up. Questions that can be dramatic for a writer of the Jewish Diaspora who, with an ironic tone, tells the story of the end of stability in his relationship with family and with Israel. Setting off from these premises, Jonathan Safran Foer and Ranieri Polese will discuss important issues such as paternity, Jewish identity, the relationship with Israel, loved ones, memory.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/was born in 1946 in Pisa; he carried out his studies in philosophy, and has been a member of the Cinema Critics Union since the late Seventies. He has written for the culture pages of various newspapers (La Nazione, L’Europeo). In 1995 he published Il film della mia vita (Rizzoli). He has been editor of Almanacco Guanda since 2006. He was editor-in-chief of the Culture section and a reporter for Corriere della sera, with which he still collaborates.
was born in Washington in 1977 and currently lives in New York. He made his literary debut at 25 with the bestseller Everything is illuminated, continuing his success with his second novel, Extremely loud and incredibly close (2005). In Italy his books are published by Guanda, whose catalogue includes the non-fiction work Eating Animals. His third novel, Here I am, will be released at the end of August.
Event #7
Alberto Mantovani
Immunity and the brain: a dialogue between two chief systems. From memory to vaccines.

Event #8Approfonditamente
Simona Argentieri, Stefano Gastaldi, Giovanna Montinari
New males: as teenagers, in couples, as fathers

Event #10
Ramak Fazel, Giorgio Vasta, Michele Lupi
Across the American deserts: a voyage through 20th century collective imagination

Event #15Approfonditamente
Paolo Boccara, Paola Carbone, Giuseppe Riefolo
The analyst at the movies: thinking by images

Event #25Approfonditamente
Paolo Cornaglia Ferraris, Giorgio Gazzolo, Nicola Gomirato, Gianvito Martino, Luca Pani, Enrico Valtellina
Asperger Talk Show

Event #30
Bruno Arpaia, Alessandro Zaccuri
The memory of space. The rubble of climate and rubbish in our homes

Event #31Approfonditamente
Alessandro Dal Lago, Serena Giordano, Ex Voto
Graffiti, tags and murals: when art extends to walls

Event #38
Paolo Rumiz, Alessandro Scillitani
The voice of the road. Words, sounds and images gathered along via Appia