the first European festival on creativity

2017 Programme

Event #28

Aravind Adiga, Marcello Fois

In the web: narrating families

A dialogue between two authors on the infinite weave of family webs is the same as letting a pair of kids into a toy store. Paternity, maternity, brotherhood and sisterhood are systems that have allowed every possible story to be told. Matters ordinarily extraordinary, that for the past few millennia have magically opened the doors of narration. Cain and Abel are brothers, just like the brothers Karamazov or the Tanners. The sisters who strive for Moscow are three just like the Brontës who strived for immortality. Aravind Adiga and Marcello Fois consider the web of family relations a cornerstone in their method of storytelling. In their most recent novels, children of intrusive parents must set off defensive processes that trigger conflicts both shouted and, especially, terribly silent.

Aravind Adiga

was born in Madras, India, in 1974. After spending time in various countries, including Australia, England and the United States, he currently lives in Mumbai. His book La Tigre Bianca (Einaudi, 2008) won the Booker Prize in 2008. His other books published by Einaudi are Fra due omicidi (2010) and L’ultimo uomo nella torre (2012). His latest, Selection Day, comes out in August.

Marcello Fois
Marcello Fois

(Nuoro, 1960) lives and works in Bologna. His books include Memoria del vuoto (Premio Super Grinzane Cavour, Volponi e Alassio 2007), Stirpe (Premio Città di Vigevano e Premio Frontino Montefeltro 2010), Nel tempo di mezzo (finalist at Premio Campiello and Premio Strega 2012), Luce perfetta (Premio Asti d’Appello 2016), Manuale di lettura creativa (2016), Quasi Grazia (2016) and Del dirsi addio (2017), published by Einaudi.

All theevents2017


Event #1

Friday 1 September 2017, 05.45 pm

Elena Cattaneo

The networks that are good for science

Event #5

Friday 1 September 2017, 09.15 pm

Marco Albino Ferrari

Enchantment. From Val Grande to the polar icecaps

Event #6

Friday 1 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of spies: doctor Sorge in Tokyo

Event #9

Saturday 2 September 2017, 10.00 am

Franco Lorenzoni

Weaving relationships through silence and listening

Event #10

Saturday 2 September 2017, 11.45 am

Axel Fiacco, Massimo Scaglioni

From networks to formats: creativity on television

Event #13

Saturday 2 September 2017, 12.15 pm

Giorgio Manzi

In the web of deep history: Lucy, Neanderthals and other stories

Event #14Approfonditamente

Saturday 2 September 2017, 02.45 pm

Matteo Cerri

Keeping cool: hibernation and the exotic network of its physiology

Event #15

Saturday 2 September 2017, 03.00 pm

Nicola Gardini

The beauty of occurring. Ovid and the network of metamorphoses

Event #24

Saturday 2 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of partisans: the GAP groups in Rome and the attack in Via Rasella

Event #26

Sunday 3 September 2017, 10.00 am

Emanuele Biggi

Spiders, silk and spider webs: wonders of the unloved

Event #39

Sunday 3 September 2017, 09.00 pm

Centro Formazione Supereroi

Neverending stories. A challenge in literary improvisation

Event #41

Sunday 3 September 2017, 11.00 pm

Alessandro Barbero

Clandestine networks. A network of terrorists: the Red Brigades and the kidnapping of Aldo Moro

Event #48Children / Kids

Saturday 2 September_11.00 am_5.00 pm


The art of reclamation. DIY construction of a network of animals

Event #61Children / Kids

Sunday 3 September_4.00 pm_6.00

Else Edizioni

In your own words: from silent books to silk screen printing

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