2018 Programme
Event #26
Alessandro Barbero
World War I: Caporetto
During World War I, even if Italy was still a weak nation, it faced a very challenging trial on organizational, industrial and human level. After the Unification, all the efforts made in fifty years to build a real, national community were successful. However, Italy is remembered worldwide for an episode that still sounds humiliating – the Caporetto battle. It is a pity, but we cannot blame others, since during Caporetto Italy showed the other side of a nation suspended between modernity and backwardness – the inefficiency, the rhetoric, and the irresponsibility of the ruling class. A burden Italy has never managed to break away from.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Alessandro Barbero, historian and writer, is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Eastern Piedmont and Vercelli. He contributes to the programmes “Passato e presente” and “a.C.d.C.” aired on Rai Storia. Since 2023 he has been the star of the programme “In viaggio con Barbero”, on LA7. In the same year he started for Chora Media “Chiedilo a Barbero”, a podcast in which he answers questions on history sent in by listeners. Among his publications: “Le parole del papa” (2016), “Caporetto” (2017), “Dante” (2020), 2All' arme! All'arme. I priori fanno carne” (2023), published by Laterza; “Gli occhi di Venezia” (2011) and “Le Ateniesi” (2015), published by Mondadori; “Costantino il vincitore” (Salerno, 2016); “Il divano di Istanbul” (2011), “Alabama” (2021), “Poeta al comando” (2022) and “Brick for stone” (2023), published by Sellerio.
Event #17
Mario Cucinella
Architecture as a political action and an instrument for territories’ revitalization

Event #24Approfonditamente
Beniamino de’ Liguori Carino, Giuseppe Lupo, Alberto Saibene
Adriano Olivetti: building a community

Event #31Approfonditamente
Giulia Alonzo, Marco Belpoliti, Adriana Polveroni, Oliviero Ponte di Pino
Criticism 2.0. Cultural communication in the age of the web

Event #59Children / Kids
Caterina Giannotti, Maria Pia Montagna
Writing is a game if you know the rules!