the first European festival on creativity

2018 Programme

Event #39

Alessandro Barbero

World War One. From the battles of the Piave River to Vittorio Veneto.

Prezzolini stated that «Caporetto was a victory, and the battle at Vittorio Veneto a defeat for Italy, because it is by resisting tragedy and atoning for our sins that we become greater, while using lies to brag and resurrecting negative instincts simply for winning makes us smaller». One hundred years after the Battle of the River Piave and the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, we will analyze the significance of the few months during which a defeated, invaded country – where the people’s sense of belonging to the national community had suddenly been reinforced by effect of their shared humiliation – turned into a victorious, invading country, disdainfully dismissing the rights of others.


Alessandro Barbero, historian and writer, is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Eastern Piedmont and Vercelli. He contributes to the programmes “Passato e presente” and “a.C.d.C.” aired on Rai Storia. Since 2023 he has been the star of the programme “In viaggio con Barbero”, on LA7. In the same year he started for Chora Media “Chiedilo a Barbero”, a podcast in which he answers questions on history sent in by listeners. Among his publications: “Le parole del papa” (2016), “Caporetto” (2017), “Dante” (2020), 2All' arme! All'arme. I priori fanno carne” (2023), published by Laterza; “Gli occhi di Venezia” (2011) and “Le Ateniesi” (2015), published by Mondadori; “Costantino il vincitore” (Salerno, 2016); “Il divano di Istanbul” (2011), “Alabama” (2021), “Poeta al comando” (2022) and “Brick for stone” (2023), published by Sellerio.

All theevents2018


Event #1

Andrea Riccardi

Community or the eclipse of Us

Event #2

Jan Brokken, Massimo Cirri

Jungle Rudy – the loner and the community

Event #4

Olivia Sellerio

Olivia Sellerio sings Montalbano

Event #6

Serena Dandini, Michela Murgia

The community of valiant women

Event #8

Ian Goldin

Our new Renaissance

Event #9

Federico Condello

School, community, justice

Event #10

Cristiano Galbiati

The Argonauts in pursuit of dark matter

Event #12

Giuseppe Festa

On a journey with wolves

Event #14

Franco Farinelli

Space, modernity, community 

Event #15

Massimiliano Valerii

What are today’s myths?

Event #16

Stefano Allievi

Immigration: changing everything

Event #17

Mario Cucinella

Architecture as a political action and an instrument for territories’ revitalization 


Event #18

Esther Perel

Betraying a relationship: reasons for unfaithfulness 

Event #19

Antonio Forcellino

The Renaissance emporium – the heart of the artistic community. 


Event #20

Kamila Shamsie

In the name of love 

Event #22

Hervé Barmasse

My life between zero and 8000

Event #23

Alessandro Barbero

World War I
May 24th: Italy enters the War

Event #25

Angélique Del Rey

Against competition

Event #26

Alessandro Barbero

World War I: Caporetto 

Event #28

Roberto Esposito

Back to community? 

Event #29

Daniele Zovi

The wood as a community: cooperation and interdependence among plants

Event #32

Dino Pedreschi

Virtual communities: how Big Data reflects society 

Event #33

Anna Foa

From community to citizenship: European Jews facing modernity 

Event #34

Matteo Nucci, Davide Livornese

The community of theatre

Event #35

Gabriele Lolli, Marco Licalzi

Tales from the Tower of Babel

Event #36

Mimmo Cuticchio

Duelling marionettes 

Event #38

Maddalena Crippa

The Widow Merry. Café chantant

Event #39

Alessandro Barbero

World War One. From the battles of the Piave River to Vittorio Veneto.

Event #43Children / Kids

Luca Boscardin

Profession… toy designer!

Event #49Children / Kids

Fausto Gilberti

This family is a circus!

Event #50Children / Kids

Dino Ticli

Horrible plants and animals

Event #52Children / Kids

Claudia Corrent, Luca Quinzani

On a piece of paper the sun turns… blue!

Event #55Children / Kids

Giuseppe Festa

Opening our senses to Nature

Event #56Children / Kids

Sara Donati

Illuminating portraits

Event #58Children / Kids


Magic sandbox. Playing with augmented reality

Event #59Children / Kids

Caterina Giannotti, Maria Pia Montagna

Writing is a game if you know the rules!

Event #60didatticaMente

Elena Corniglia

Accessible books for an inclusive community

Event #63didatticaMente

Claudia Corrent

Nature's footprints: experiments in blue 

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