2018 Programme
Event #47
ages 6 to 10
60 minutes
25 participants
Populations have always come across to each other – their stories mingle, their languages mix up creating a cultural mosaic. Starting from the artworks of Tsuneso Taniuchi, a Japanese artist, we'll make three-dimensional populations with winky faces, original looks, and dadaist hair.
Artebambini is a publishing house and a cultural organization working in the education field and following active pedagogy methods. The workshop will be held by Mauro Speraggi, pedagogue and founder of Artebambini, and Irene Ferrarese, fashion designer and supervisor of the projects Nati per l’arte and I diritti spiegati ai bambini.
Event #17
Mario Cucinella
Architecture as a political action and an instrument for territories’ revitalization

Event #24Approfonditamente
Beniamino de’ Liguori Carino, Giuseppe Lupo, Alberto Saibene
Adriano Olivetti: building a community

Event #31Approfonditamente
Giulia Alonzo, Marco Belpoliti, Adriana Polveroni, Oliviero Ponte di Pino
Criticism 2.0. Cultural communication in the age of the web

Event #59Children / Kids
Caterina Giannotti, Maria Pia Montagna
Writing is a game if you know the rules!