2018 Programme
Event #25
Angélique Del Rey
Against competition
To be responsible, to be visible, to be measurable and, most of all, to be competitive has become a permanent, stressful and under-discussed injunction. To be appreciated seems to be not only normal, but also desirable: “I am appreciated, therefore I am”. But these statements are paradoxical. In the name of merit, they create a spirit of harmful competition. In the name of a major efficiency, they instigate inefficiency. In the name of objectivity, they crush, standardize, and normalise all the differences. Hence the importance of meditating on the limits of evaluating others, and the possibility of making it compatible with the sense of community.
Interpreter: Marina Astrologo
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Angélique Del Rey philosopher, essayist and philosophy associate professor, leaves between Paris, where she teaches philosophy in a post-culture centre for teenagers, and Buenos Aires, where she holds seminaries and conferences about education and evaluation. She wrote À l’école des competences (La Découverte, 2010), a book in which she criticizes pedagogy through competences, and La tirannia della valutazione (elèuthera, 2018), in which she continues reflecting on a society that constantly evaluates everything and everyone. Together with Miguel Benasayag she published several works including: Elogio del conflitto (Feltrinelli, 2008), in which she criticises the denial of the conflict generated by postmodern societies and she claims its renovation, and Dalla solitudine contemporanea alla creazione condivisa (Feltrinelli, 2016).
Event #17
Mario Cucinella
Architecture as a political action and an instrument for territories’ revitalization

Event #24Approfonditamente
Beniamino de’ Liguori Carino, Giuseppe Lupo, Alberto Saibene
Adriano Olivetti: building a community

Event #31Approfonditamente
Giulia Alonzo, Marco Belpoliti, Adriana Polveroni, Oliviero Ponte di Pino
Criticism 2.0. Cultural communication in the age of the web

Event #59Children / Kids
Caterina Giannotti, Maria Pia Montagna
Writing is a game if you know the rules!