2018 Programme
Event #35
Gabriele Lolli, Marco Licalzi
Tales from the Tower of Babel
The Lord mixed up their languages and scattered the people of Babel across the planet, yet their tower has never been deserted. It is inhabited by a community that speaks a variety of dialects, but whose members are capable of understanding all of them. To the eyes of others, these people possess a universal language and make stock of knowledge that remains true forever. It is an open community that anyone can join, but there is no preferred path of access. Its components live throughout the globe, they are fluent in the same symbolism and tackle the same issues. They meet every four years in a different city. In ancient Greece, they were called “those who are inclined to learn”. We know them as “mathematicians”.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/Gabriele Lolli has taught Mathematical Logic in various institutions, including the University of Turin, and was professor of Philosophy of Mathematics at the Normale University in Pisa. His most recent studies have regarded the birth of set theory in the 19th century and of mathematical logic in the early 20th century. He curated the Italian edition of Gödel and Turing’s works. His latest book is Matematica come narrazione (il Mulino, 2018).
Marco LiCalzi has a PhD in Decision Sciences from Stanford University. He is a full professor of Mathematical Methods in Economics at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and has been visiting professor in France, Great Britain, Switzerland and the US. Since 2000 he has been contributing to the public understanding of science, and he is the author of La matematica dell’incertezza, published by Il Mulino (2016).
Event #17
Mario Cucinella
Architecture as a political action and an instrument for territories’ revitalization

Event #24Approfonditamente
Beniamino de’ Liguori Carino, Giuseppe Lupo, Alberto Saibene
Adriano Olivetti: building a community

Event #31Approfonditamente
Giulia Alonzo, Marco Belpoliti, Adriana Polveroni, Oliviero Ponte di Pino
Criticism 2.0. Cultural communication in the age of the web

Event #59Children / Kids
Caterina Giannotti, Maria Pia Montagna
Writing is a game if you know the rules!