2022 Programme
Event #13
Matteo Nucci
Movement and time: Plato and Nietzsche
According to Plato, time belongs to the dimension of the becoming, whereas eternity rules the being. Movement is only possible in the dimension of time. But how do we, creatures of the becoming, move in time? We usually think of our path as a straight line going from the past into the present and the future. The Ancient people instead believed that movement was circular like the modern philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and his famous idea of the “eternal return of the same”. There cannot be progress from the Creation to the Judgement Day – as the catholic vision says – nor towards the triumph of the reason – as thought during the Enlightenment. Only if we live every single moment with the awareness of the continuous passage between life and death, we can achieve our human nature.
https://www.festivaldellamente.it/it/live-streaming-alessandro-barbero/*Booking fee required by the sales channel.
Matteo Nucci was born in Rome in 1970. He has published several novels with Ponte alle Grazie, including "Sono comuni le cose degli amici" (2009, finalist for the Premio Strega), "Il toro non sbaglia mai" (2011), "È giusto obbedire alla notte" (2017, finalist for the Premio Strega), and the narrative essay "L’abisso di Eros" (2018). For Einaudi, he released a new edition of Plato's "Symposium" (2009) and the narrative essays "Le lacrime degli eroi" (2013), "Achille e Odisseo. La ferocia e l’inganno" (2020), and "Il grido di Pan" (2023). With HarperCollins, he published the novel "Sono difficili le cose belle" (2022) and "Sognava i leoni. L’eroismo fragile di Ernest Hemingway" (2024). His short stories have appeared in magazines, anthologies, and eBooks. He also collaborates with the magazines La Stampa and L’Espresso.
Event #2
Lilia Giugni, Lorenza Pieri
Digital revolution and gender-based violence. Global stories and perspectives.

Event #8
Carlo Alberto Redi, Manuela Monti
Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going? (And where are we having dinner tonight?)

Event #8 BIS
Carlo Alberto Redi, Manuela Monti
Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going? (And where are we having dinner tonight?)