the first European festival on creativity

2022 Programme

Event #5

Matteo Nucci

Movement and space: Homer and Hemingway

In the most ancient models of our literature, the Homeric poems, human movement is described meticulously, in detail, and fills every page: Era seducing Zeus; Achilles discovering the death of Patroclus; Elena sitting next to her found husband. Everything is movement in space. Yet the center of this movement – the protagonists’ soul – is veiled by a silence full of promises. The attitude of the most imitated American writer of the 20th century, Ernest Hemingway, is identical. In his stylistic revolution, from short stories to his masterpiece The Old Man and the Sea, the movement of the protagonists is at the very center of his works, while the core of the story is omitted. Just like Homer, Hemingway knows that this is the only way that we, the readers, will be able to discover the strength hidden in the gestures that we repeat every day, without even realizing it.

*Booking fee required by the sales channel.


Foto nuova Nucci

Matteo Nucci was born in Rome in 1970. He has published several novels with Ponte alle Grazie, including "Sono comuni le cose degli amici" (2009, finalist for the Premio Strega), "Il toro non sbaglia mai" (2011), "È giusto obbedire alla notte" (2017, finalist for the Premio Strega), and the narrative essay "L’abisso di Eros" (2018). For Einaudi, he released a new edition of Plato's "Symposium" (2009) and the narrative essays "Le lacrime degli eroi" (2013), "Achille e Odisseo. La ferocia e l’inganno" (2020), and "Il grido di Pan" (2023). With HarperCollins, he published the novel "Sono difficili le cose belle" (2022) and "Sognava i leoni. L’eroismo fragile di Ernest Hemingway" (2024). His short stories have appeared in magazines, anthologies, and eBooks. He also collaborates with the magazines La Stampa and L’Espresso.

All theevents2022


Event #1

Filippo Grandi

The movement of the last

Event #2

Lilia Giugni, Lorenza Pieri

Digital revolution and gender-based violence. Global stories and perspectives.

Event #3

Alessandro Barbero

Life and fate: Mikhail Bulgakov

Event #4

Vasco Brondi

Messy journeys. Fretting while looking for peace

Event #5

Matteo Nucci

Movement and space: Homer and Hemingway

Event #6

Francesca Mannocchi

A view on the war, the war of the view

Event #7

Scott Spencer, Marco Missiroli

Love – without a shore, endless

Event #8

Carlo Alberto Redi, Manuela Monti

Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going? (And where are we having dinner tonight?)

Event #8 BIS

Carlo Alberto Redi, Manuela Monti

Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going? (And where are we having dinner tonight?)

Event #9

Giulio Boccaletti

Stand sill, while water flows all around

Event #11

Daria Bignardi, Daria Deflorian

Same name. Moving between spoken and written words

Event #12

Olivier Guez, Maurizio Crosetti

La mano de Dios: a rushing life

Event #13

Matteo Nucci

Movement and time: Plato and Nietzsche

Event #14

Frida Bollani Magoni

Piano and Voice concerto

Event #15

Alessandro Barbero

Life and fate: Anna Achmatova

Event #16

Edoardo Albinati

Out of the world: isolation, solitude and segregation

Event #17

Adriana Albini

Lifestyle and training for a healthy life

Event #18

Giuseppe Piccioni

How a film is made: plots, places and characters

Event #19

Stefano Benzoni

The mental health of our children in an unpredictable world

Event #20

Maurizio Cheli

Travelling above the clouds

Event #22

Velasco Vitali, Roberta Scorranese

A dialogue around the Branco (Pack)

Event #23

Matteo Nucci

Movement and soul: Sappho and Kavafis

Event #24

Mariangela Gualtieri

Catching the Breath

Event #25

Alessandro Barbero

Life and fate: Iosif Brodskij

Event #28Children / Kids

Elena Iodice

Dancing on the stages of Bauhaus

Event #32Children / Kids

Gioia Marchegiani

The book of traveling seeds

Event #34Children / Kids

Gisella Persio

Behind the clouds there is always the sun

Event #36Children / Kids


Almost motionless

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